British Riding Clubs TopSpec Arena Eventing Qualifier (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Sun, Nov 3, 2024
Enter Online

Class 1
Arena Eventing Teams (0.70m)    
Entry Fee:
Junior Teams Only
Class 2
Arena Eventing - Individual (0.70m)    
Entry Fee:
Junior Individuals Only
Class 3
Arena Eventing Teams (0.70m)    
Entry Fee:
Senior Teams Only
Class 4
Arena Eventing - Individual (0.70m)    
Entry Fee:
Senior Individuals Only
Class 5
Arena Eventing Teams (0.80m)    
Entry Fee:
Junior Teams Only
Class 6
Arena Eventing - Individual (0.80m)    
Entry Fee:
Junior Individuals Only
Class 7
Arena Eventing Teams (0.80m)    
Entry Fee:
Senior Teams Only
Class 8
Arena Eventing - Individual (0.80m)    
Entry Fee:
Senior Individuals Only
Class 9
Arena Eventing Teams (0.90m)    
Entry Fee:
Mixed Junior & Senior
Class 10
Arena Eventing - Individual (0.90m)    
Entry Fee:
Mixed Junior & Senior
Class 11
Arena Eventing Teams (1.00m)    
Entry Fee:
Mixed Junior & Senior
Class 12
Arena Eventing - Individual (1.00m)    
Entry Fee:
Mixed Junior & Senior

Show Secretary: Battle & District Riding Club Entries Secretary
E Sussex,

Petley Wood Equestrian Centre, Petley Farm, Marley Lane, Battle, E Sussex TN330RE

Show Information


Furtehr information regarding this event including competitor informaton will be on

Horses may compete in two classes, but must be at consecutive heights

This will also be a SEEL Qualifier for the 80, 90 and 100 classes

The SEEL Arena Eventing Championships will be held at Petley Wood on 6th April 2025

BRC Championships to be held 30thMay – 1stJune 2025 Aston Le Walls, Daventry, Northamptonshire, NN11 6RT 

BRC Area Entry Forms to:  Dinah Smith  Tel: 07703794277

before Friday 18th October 2024

Once BRC Entry Forms have been received, entries and payment can be made.

Entries on MRL will close on Monday 28th October 12 noon  

In Class Notes please add you Club and your Team name


Times will be available on BRC Results by Friday 1st November 2024

Please print out your numbers from BRC Results
Clubs will be required to supply a minimum of one helper per Team or two individuals  Please fill out Helpers Form and email with BRC entries to Dinah

Eligibility for all classes can be found in the BRC Winter Champs 2024-25 Eligibility Criteria. winter-champs-2025.pdf ( in the BRC 2025 Handbook. Eligibility will be taken from close of pre-entry & competitors must be a registered current member of the correct club on Sport80by midday the Friday before the qualifier. Anyone failing to meet the eligibility criteria will be disqualified and informed by BRC HQ when the results are processed.

All entrants must submit a pre-entry to BRC (fees can be found in the current BRC Handbook) at least 21 days before the date of the qualifier (Sun 13/10/24). Pre-entries can be made via the pre-entry website . Late pre-entries may be accepted at the discretion of the organiser with a late surcharge of £5 per individual and £10 per team (payable to BRC HQ) if space permits.  Late entries cannot be guaranteed and so therefore must not be paid for until approval from the organiser has been gained.

Once the pre-entry has been made, an area entry must be made via the details outlined on this schedule.

  All hats must have a visible current BRC/BE/PC PINK hat tag in place before they are worn on the showground, to show that they meet the current safety standards, no other hat tag will be accepted.  There will be a trained official available on the day to do this for you if your hat does not currently have one. For up to date hat rules please see the current BRC Handbook.

For any event with cross country riders must NOT have a fixed peak on their hat. 

Body Protectors

A body protector is mandatory for this competition. It is a rider’s responsibility to ensure they have a body protector with the correct standard. TheBETA Level 3 2018 BLUE label is the only standard accepted for BRC Events.

Riders wearing Exo-Body cages, in which the BETA Level 3 2009 Purple Label, must inform the official steward/organiser before the event.



Flu Vaccinations & Microchips

Your horse must have up to date influenza vaccinations in line with rule G7 in the current BRC Handbook. There is also a downloadable flu vac checking spreadsheetavailable to check the flu vaccination:

BRC Downloads | The British Horse Society ( under ‘Competitions’.


You will not be able to ride until this has been done.



Neither the organisers, Area 10 Riding Club Officials, nor Petley Wood Equestrian Centre accept any liability for any accidents, injury, illness or damage to horses, owners, riders, spectators, ground or any persons or property whatsoever. Entries are only accepted on this basis


In the event of abandonment entry fees will be returned less an administration fee of £10 per entry.

Clubs are liable to pay the entry fee for all entries as per their prelim entry to BRC.

  At TopSpec we test, amend and improve our formulations based on research carried out at the TopSpec Equine Research Centre, our own, purpose-built, applied nutrition research facility in North Yorkshire, because excellent nutrition is of prime importance to TopSpec we guarantee to ‘Create without Compromise.’ You can rest assured that none of our products will be compromised, ever.




Payment Details & Event Fees

 There will be a £5 first aid payment per rider added at check out.


Entry fee per team £100 

Individual £25


 In the event of abandonment entry fees will be returned less an administration fee of £10 per entry.

Clubs are liable to pay the entry fee for all entries as per their prelim entry to BRC.

 There will be no return of pre entry fees, however a credit note may be issued at the discretion of BRC, providing the request is sent in before the close of pre-entry.

Terms & Conditions
1. All horses/riders must have 3rd Party liability insurance. Riding Club/BHS Gold members are covered with their membership.
2. Horses must not be left unattended tied to the outside of lorries or trailers, and all horse & personal rubbish must be cleared up before leaving.
3. Health & Safety – The organisers of this event have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid
     and prevent accidents and must obey the instructions of the organisers and all officials and stewards. All accidents/incidents must be reported to the organiser at the time.
4. Disclaimer of Liability – Save for the death or personal injury caused by the proven negligence of the organisers or anyone for whom they are in law responsible, neither the organisers of any event to which these rules apply, nor the      British Horse Society, nor any agent, employee or representative of these bodies accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, spectators, vehicles, land or any other person or                   property whatsoever, whether caused by negligence, breach of contract or in any other way whatsoever. Making an entry is considered acceptance of these rules. 
     The judge’s/organisers decision is final
5. Correct riding attire must be worn by all riders/competitors, unless stated otherwise, including jodhpurs and correct riding footwear (no wellies or trainers). No hoodies to be worn. Current BRC standard hard hats must be worn and         properly secured at all times whilst mounted. BRC standard body protectors are compulsory for all arena eventing and cross country events and clinics. Fixed peaks are not  permitted for arena eventing/cross country or eventers           challenge events/clinics.
6. All competitors/riders must have correct BRC standard whips and spurs  and must only be used to encourage a horse and not for reprimand.
7.  The welfare and health of all horses attending any event is paramount.  Mistreatment of any animal shall not be tolerated.  Any horse deemed to be sick or injured or lame in anyway will be immediately retired from any event & the .owner shall be asked to remove the horse from the event.  All horses must be 4 years or over.
8. Horses only to be warmed up, schooled in designated warm up areas, no exercising no lunging and not warming up in parking areas.    
9. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.
10. Participants, (or their parents/guardians if under 18 years) must consider themselves competent to complete the activity for which they are entering. It is not the responsibility of the organisers to decide if a competitor is competent        or their mount is suitable for the class. If the judge deems any rider or horse to be unsuitable / incompetent / unsafe to participate they will be asked to leave the show immediately.
11 Dogs must be kept on leads and under strict control at all times. Owners are responsible for clearing up after their dogs.
12. No GoPros to be worn at any events. All videoing must be for personal training use ONLY and not to be distributed across any social media platforms.
13.Please respect all venues. Remember they are someones private home. Take home all rubbish, clear up after your horse and do not enter any stable buildings or block. Park warmup and ride only in designated areas.


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