Entries close at 1pm on Friday 13th September. No late / text entries will be accepted.
Rules: - Please read rules of entry
You can only enter two classes per horse/pony, and a maximum of 5 rounds per rider. Entry Fee £13.00 per class. Start times will be available on the Kennaa Riding Club website and facebook page two evenings preceding the event. Horse/pony cannot be ridden in the same class by 2 different riders.
Class 1 only - WILL allow assistance inside the ring i.e. to help remember the course and encouragement, but strictly no leading or chasing horse/pony. Anybody who has someone in the arena to help, will automatically start with 10 penalties, whereas those without assistance will start with zero penalties.
Classes 1 & 2 - The course will consist of 5-6 show jumps, followed immediately by a simulated cross country course with 6-7 jumps. The second half of the course will be timed, and there will be NO joker fence.
For these two classes only, a longer whip (up to 70cm) will be allowed, but not a schooling whip.
Class 3 onwards - The course will consist of 7-9 show jumps, followed immediately by a simulated cross country course with 10-12 jumps, finishing with a ‘joker’ show jump fence that will be set at 10cm higher that the rest of the course. The joker fence is compulsory. The second half of the course will be timed. The usual whip rule / no outside assistance rules will apply.
G23.1: Use of Whip, Spurs & Bits - PLEASE READ
G23.1.1: Whips: The use of the whip must be for an appropriate reason, at an appropriate time, on the correct area of the horse and with the appropriate level of response.
Appropriate Reason: The whip must only be used as an aid to support the natural aids in encouraging the pony/horse forward, or to help the rider to encourage the pony/ horse in the right direction. For example, it may be used down the shoulder to keep a horse straight on the approach to a fence. It must never be used to vent a rider’s temper; any use for such a reason is automatically excessive.
Appropriate Time: As an aid, the appropriate time is when the pony/horse is reluctant to go forward under natural aids i.e. seat and legs. Its use, for instance, after a refusal when a pony/horse has turned away, is excessive. Its use after elimination is excessive.
Right area of the horse: As an aid to go forward the whip may be used down the shoulder or behind the rider’s leg. The use of a whip on a pony’s/ horse’s head or neck is always excessive use.
Appropriate Level of Response: the whip should never be used more than three times during any incident; and if the pony/horse is marked by the whip (skin broken or a welt) its use is excessive. (The rider is expected to know if the pony/horse has sensitive skin and must use the whip accordingly). The arm should never be raised above the shoulder whilst using the whip. The whip should always be carried and used in the backhand (handle pointed upwards) position and never in the forehand position (handle pointed downwards).
Misuse of a whip: If, in the opinion of the judge/official, a whip is misused/overused the rider may face disqualification at the discretion of the judge / official.
Arena Eventing Penalties – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY
| Show Jumping | Cross Country |
First Disobedience | 4 penalties | 20 penalties |
Second Disobedience at same fence | 8 penalties | 40 penalties |
Second Disobedience elsewhere on the course | 4 penalties | 20 penalties |
Third Disobedience | Elimination | Elimination |
Knockdown of obstacle | 4 penalties | 10 penalties |
Knock down of Joker | 6 Penalties | n/a |
Fall of Horse | Elimination | Elimination |
Fall of rider | Elimination | Elimination |
Error of course | Elimination | Elimination |
Retaking obstacle already jumped | Elimination | Elimination |
Mis-use of whip rule | Elimination | Elimination |
The winner will be the competitor with the lowest number of penalties. In the event of a tie, the winner will be the one who completes the cross country section in the shortest time. All presentations are mounted! Rosettes to third.
Please remember that for safety arena eventing is about jumping clear in a forward rhythm and not galloping flat out!!!
Dress Code: you must wear a correctly fitting and compliant body protector and hat (with no fixed peak) Hair must be tied up above shoulder length. Cross Country colours are optional. You will not be able to compete unless these rules are adhered to.