South Oxfordshire Riding Club Indoor Open Show Jumping (Times Available)

Show Date
Sat, Nov 2, 2024
Closing Date
Wed, Oct 30, 2024
Starting Times:

You will be required to provide your own number
Commencing 9am. Times: will be issued on our website and facebook page Thursday 31st October in the evening

Class 1
Cross Pole Jumping (0.20m - 0.30m )    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Horse/pony/rider combinations in class 1 can only enter class 2. Will be split into sections: A Lead-rein B Un-led
Class 2
Mini Show Jumping (0.50m)    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Horse/pony/rider combinations in class 2 cannot enter class 4 upwards.
Class 3
Midi (0.60m)    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Horses/ponies and rider combination may not enter class 5 upwards.
Class 4
Novice Show Jumping (0.70m)    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Class may be split into horses and ponies if sufficient entries. Horse/pony/rider combinations may not enter class 6 upwards
Class 5
Open Show Jumping (0.80m)    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Horses/ponies must not have won more than £50 BS or SJI equivalent at the time of entry. Class will be split horses/ponies if sufficient entries.
Class 6
Small Open Show Jumping (0.90m)    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
Class 7
Open Show Jumping (1.00m)    
Single Phase
Entry Fee:
Member Fee:
The Sidney Jive Trophy will be awarded to the highest placed SORC member in this class.

Show Secretary: South Oxfordshire Riding Club

Berkshire College Of Agriculture, Hall Place, Burchetts Green, Maidenhead, Berks SL66QR

Show Information

ADVANCE ENTRIES CLOSE: Wednesday 30th October (please note if classes are full before this date we will close them)
Horses or ponies that are BS/BE/SJI registered or have been placed 1st to 6th in any BS/BE/SJI competition cannot enter classes 1 and 5 (except as HC).
Special note: All classes are single phase with a timed jump off section (which may contain fences which are a little higher).
Courses designed and built bycourse builder Helen Cranfield
Please leave the box park clean and tidy. Competitors must not use the fields and tracks at BCA to warm up or to hack.
The competition will run under BRC rules.

Payment Details & Event Fees

Entries Secretary: Helen Cranfield c/o
Open to All Entries taken on-line. Entries will be limited. Please enter in advance to avoid disappointment
No telephone or email entries accepted.
Entry Fees:£10.00 per class SORC members only, £15.00 per class Non members plus £3.50 per rider first aid

Prize Information

Rosettes: 1st – 10th Place in all classes

Terms & Conditions

1. No liability shall fall on the Organisers, Landowners, Judges or Officials in respect of any loss, damage or injury howsoever caused and all competitors are deemed to be liable to indemnify the said persons in respect of any such loss, damage or injury. 2. Every effort will be made to keep to the schedules, but we reserve the right to alter the order and composition of classes or to cancel them. 3. Any competitor may be warned or disqualified for improper or excessive use of whips, spurs etc. or other actions which the Judges or Officials consider warrants such penalty. 4. Correct riding attire must be worn at all times. All riders whether competing or not, must wear the correct headgear with a harness properly adjusted and fastened. Skull caps must be worn with a dark silk. Hats must conform to at least one of British PAS 015: 1998 or 2011 provided they are BSI Kitemarked or Inspec IC Marked; VG1 01.040: 2014-12 provided they are BSI Kitemarked or Inspec IC Marked European VG1 01.040: 2014-12 provided they are BSI Kitemarked or Inspec IC Marked American ASTM F1163: 2004a or 04a onwards provided they are SEI marked SNELL E2001 and SNELL E2016 Australian and New Zealand AS/NZS 3838: 2006 onwards provided they are SAI global marked. Failure to wear approved headgear will incur elimination. 5. All horses being ridden on the showground must be 4 years or older. 6. Stallions must be handled and ridden by people who have attained their 14th birthday on the 1st January in the current year. 7. The ruling of the judges is final. All complaints must be put in writing and handed to the secretary with a deposit of £20 within 15 minutes of the incident, returnable if the objection is upheld. Anyone found to be rude or abusive towards judges, other competitors, committee or any volunteers will be asked to leave the showground and will not be welcome at any future SORC events. 8. Entries may be refused without reason being given. 9. A refund (less admin fee) will be issued on production of a Medical/Veterinary Certificate or at the Secretary’s discretion. 10. Change of horse and/or rider must be notified to the Secretary 15 minutes before the start of the class or the entry will become void. 11. ALL DOGS must be kept on leads (non-extending) at all times. 12. It is the responsibility of competitors to know the rules – our stewards and officials are there to help and advise. Please remember all our helpers are volunteers. 13. Show Jumping – Practice jumps will be flagged (red flag on the right) and must only be jumped in the direction indicated. Anyone breaking this rule may be eliminated. 14. All SORC events are run under British Riding Club Rules, a full rulebook can be found at


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