Entries close at 1pm Friday 11th April. No late / text entries will be accepted.
Rules: - Please read rules of entry
You can only enter two classes per horse/pony. Your first round must be the counting score towards the team event. Entry Fee £15.00 per class. Start times will be available on the Kennaa Riding Club website and facebook page on the Friday evening preceding the event. Please put your team name in the notes column on your entry. You must be a member of Kennaa Riding club to be able to compete.
Dress Code: you must wear a correctly fitting and compliant body protector and hat (with no fixed peak) Hair must be tied up above shoulder length. Cross Country colours are optional. You will not be able to compete unless these rules are adhered to.
Arena Eventing Penalties – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY
| Show Jumping | Cross Country |
First Disobedience | 4 penalties | 20 penalties |
Second Disobedience at same fence | 8 penalties | 40 penalties |
Second Disobedience elsewhere on the course | 4 penalties | 20 penalties |
Third Disobedience | Elimination | Elimination |
Knockdown of obstacle | 4 penalties | 10 penalties |
Fall of Horse | Elimination | Elimination |
Fall of rider | Elimination | Elimination |
Error of course | Elimination | Elimination |
Retaking obstacle already jumped | Elimination | Elimination |
Whip Rule – The whip (only a baton type can be used) must ONLY be used for an appropriate reason, at an appropriate time, on the correct area of the horse and with the appropriate level of response. It must never be used to vent a riders temper, any such reason will result in disqualification. For more information, please see the notice board at Kennaa, or visit www.bhs.org.uk search for the handbook, page 35.
The class winners will be the competitor with the lowest number of penalties. In the event of a tie, the winner will be the one who completes the cross country section in the shortest time.
Team Winners will be decided by adding all 4 team members penalties together, if there is a tie, all times will be added together, and the quickest team will be placed higher. If a team member is eliminated, they will receive 20 points more than the last placed competitor in the class.
Please remember that for safety arena eventing is about jumping clear in a forward rhythm and not galloping flat out!!!