Evening Dressage and Combined Training Show (Going Ahead)

Show Date
Tue, Jul 22, 2025
Closing Date
Sat, Jul 19, 2025
Enter Online

Class 0
Clear Round Show Jumping    
Entries taken on the day, pay at ringside. Competitive round must be jumped before clear round.
Class 1
Dressage - BE Dressage Test 92 (2009)    
Entry Fee:
Class 2
Combined Training - BE Dressage Test 92 (2009) (0.70m)    
Entry Fee:
Class 3
Combined Training - BE Dressage Test 95 (2012) (0.80m)    
Entry Fee:
Class 4
Dressage - BE Dressage Test 95 (2012)    
Entry Fee:
Class 5
Dressage - BE Dressage Test 102 (2010)    
Entry Fee:
Class 6
Combined Training - BE Dressage Test 94 (2023) (0.90m)    
Entry Fee:

Show Secretary: R A Harvie
Heath Farm, Heath Lane, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 1UN
Tel: 01483 418271, Mobile: 07768740969, Email: munsteadevents@gmail.com

Heath Farm - Munstead, Heath Lane, Godalming, Surrey GU71UN

Show Information

 A fun and friendly event, starting time will depend on number of entries and how many arenas we run, but will usually start at around 5pm. 

If you have any time requirements please put them on the notes section of your entry and we'll try and accommodate you as much as possible.

Clear round jumping available on the day between competitive rounds. £10 Payable at ringside.

Times will be available from the evening of Sunday 20th July.

No need to plait at this event, whips and callers are allowed.

Terms & Conditions

1. The Showjumping will not be timed. Whips and callers will be allowed for the dressage phase. 2. The decision of the Judge is final. 3. Any objection must be made in writing within 15 minutes of the incident, accompanied by a deposit of £10 which will be refunded if the objection is sustained. 4. Neither the organisers nor Heath Farm accept liability for any claims in respect of injury or damage to any person, animal or property, however caused. 5. The organisers reserve the right to amend the schedule as necessary. 6. The organisers reserve the right to reject or cancel any entry made by any person or cancel any class (refunding any fees paid less £2 per competitor to cover administrative expenses). 7. No entries will be refunded without a Vet or Doctor’s Certificate within 7 days of event. 8. Dogs must be kept on short leads at all times whilst on the Showground. 9. Everyone mounted, whether a competitor or not, must wear a hard hat to the current standards. Such headgear must be worn with harness properly adjusted and fastened. Failure to do so will incur elimination. 10. All competitors must wear the correct riding clothes whilst competing and exercising at competitions. 11. Stewards’ instructions must be followed. 12. Misuse of whips or spurs will incur elimination. Blatant use of bad language may result in the competitor being eliminated and/or barred from further competitions 13. Horses must be kept to a walk unless in the warm-up or competition arenas. 14. The organisers reserve the right to eliminate any competitor who, in their opinion, places him/herself or others in any danger or who fails to observe the rules in this schedule.


Email Secretary - munsteadevents@gmail.com
Copyright 1999 - 2025 : Equine Affairs
Event promoted by www.equineaffairs.com - The UK's Biggest Show Directory, www.myridinglife.com - The UK's Biggest Show Entries Website and is part of Show Software produced by Affairs Group IT www.affairsgroup.co.uk